

Sarkodie can sue Yvonne Nelson on the off chance that he feels his picture has been stigmatized - Arnold Asamoah-Baidoo

 Entertainment journalist t and pundit Arnold Asamoah-Baidoo has expressed that Ghanaian rapper Sarkodie has the option to seek after lawful activity assuming he feels maligned by the substance of Yvonne Nelson's tell-it-all memoir, 'I'm NOT YVONNE NELSON'.


Sarkodie was referenced by Yvonne Nelson in her journal as her previous sweetheart who impregnated her and would not acknowledge liability.

She stated, "On a ordinary day, I would have roared with laughter and that would set off a line of sprightly discussions and jokes. However, this was a serious issue. It was a dismal snippet of data that was fit for flipping around my reality. I wasn't the only one answerable for the circumstance, so I called the man whose strong seed had developed in me. He is Michael Owusu Addo, an eminent Ghanaian performer who is otherwise called Sarkodie."

Answering the controversy over the book, Asamoah-Baidoo demonstrated that Sarkodie has the opportunity to sue for maligning and break of protection, or he can decide not to answer by any means.

"In the event that Sarkodie feels his picture has been stigmatized by the shocks in the books, he can sue for slander, he can likewise make a move for break of protection, in a reaction additionally he can similarly compose a book or rather decide not to answer," he uncovered 

As per Baidoo, any individual referenced in the book holds the option to make a fitting move on the off chance that they accept their standing has been hurt by the book's substance.

"Each name referenced in the book has each privilege to make a move would it be a good idea for them they feel slandered by the substance," he added.

The book offers a brief look into the individual victories and difficulties that the writer has looked all through her life, while likewise revealing insight into the frequently hidden real factors of the superstar world.

Nelson's diary fills in as a strong stage for her to share her encounters, furnishing perusers with a close comprehension of her excursion and the illustrations she has advanced en route.

In any case, since the delivery, the most discussed subject in the book is her relationship with Sarkodie and how he passed on her at the early termination center all to herself. 


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